Thursday 9 September 2010

The Lighting of a Fire or Two

mmm...marshmallowmarshmallows on firerafe blows on mallowwhoops, the popcorns on firegman blows out flamin mallow

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats

Well, forest school is drawing to a close.   Tomorrow is the final session.  It's been a great experience for the boys who have learned how to use various tools (secateurs, loppers, bow saw); collected firewood; whittled sticks to make marshmallow skewers; fashioned cups from apples and oranges; built dens; created nature pictures using blackberries and raspberries as 'paint" and of course, learned how to light a fire and keep it burning!   The experience has hopefully been a fire lighting one in the sense that Yeats refers to above :-)

Continuing with a woody theme, we attended the Party in the Woods at Reffley Woods last weekend. Gman was particularly taken with a drumming workshop held in small clearing in the woods. He banged the drums while Waif shook his thang:

gman bangs the drums
waif shakes

I'm not sure how we have missed visiting these woods before, given their proximity to home, but we will definitely be returning not least because we spotted a bumper crop of not-quite-ripe blackberries which we will be returning to harvest this week (if others don't beat us to it!)

This week has hopefully seen the sparking of a love of sewing in Waif. He patiently sat and sewed a little drawstring bag for his Granny, and was very proud of the result:

sewing channelconcentrating on sewingshowing off bag

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